Yahoo! Photos - Closing
Yahoo! Photos - Closing
Its the Potter month finally and I wanted to put down some of my predictions about the Deathly Gallows' plot.
1. Hermione's parents and lineage - We haven't been told much about Hermione's parents and her lineage except for that she has muggle parents. Something about her parents probably would be brought into light and have a role to play in the seventh part.
2.Potter is the seventh horcrux - The seventh horcrux that Potter would be searching for could be himself. Something that Voldemort didn't do voluntarily but juts happened.
3. Severus Snape is a good guy and had been all along.
Going for the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix IMAX 3D show tomorrow. Should be fun!
Bon Jovi's new albu "Lost Highway" is out (actually has been for a couple of weeks now). Tracks are here