Friday, July 30, 2004

One day for friends!?

Well just read the blog on Vineesh's (a close friend of mine) blog and my writer's block got clogged with words.. Ya we used to have a friendship day back in college. Wierd,but we never knew that it was "auspicious" day until one of our clubs - the leo club folks actually put around posters saying it was so.. Man!! that was the day of suckers!! Whoever said one is born every minute was wrong outright!There are ten born!! The entire damn campus was filled with girls who spent the previous night making "the friendship bands" for their beloved, "poor" guy pals so that they could tie it to them. And guys who blew money to buy some bands to tie it to their "lets-see-if-she-falls-for-this" chicks or "i-hope-she-gets-the-hint" ones... Back down the alley,where the dark rooms were infested by us (thats me and my circle of notorious friends" it was just another day, to be ended by a "Cheers for the friendship day- pause- hahahahaha!". At the end of it, it was all ridiculously stupid and hilarious and each of our college guys has something or the other to look back and smile. Well I can hardly believe that a week has gone by and its weekend..have to see what the Sat and Sun have in store for me. Thought of the day - When you want to get back at somebody or have sweet revenge at them - you dont have to go give them a piece of your mind or give him blue and black eyes. Just make sure you have a great life; one better than him and it's gonna give you one hell of a feeling. I got this from yesterday's episode of Sienfeld and pondering over it , it actually make sense.     

Nothing much to read here......

Well the main reason I am doing this (fillin up my blog) is cause I have nothing else to do for the next half hour till I get my next bus. My main inspiration has been Vineesh. I always thought I was a kinda guy who had no problems settling down anywhere my destiny takes me. Never had such problems too, considering the amount of travelling I have done and the number of times I have "relocated" (in the corporate slang) back in India. But getting settled here in US makes me look over my shoulder. I've hit the ground running and am biting the bullet real hard. I dont know if psychologists have found this out, but actually u kow what, cribbing makes you feel better. I always do atleast. Anyways, at this point of time, I have abosultely no idea why I have opted to do a post graduation!I seriously hope it was good bet. The only news here is that John Kerry seems to be the next president and I am gonna have daal for dinner. The very idea that I am gonna cook and three living souls are gonna have that for dinner psyches me out!

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