Monday, April 30, 2007

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Had a pretty peaceful weekend after a long time. Ushhan had gone his relatives' and I was expecting to spend the weekend alone doing the usual weekend chores (laundry, music d/l-ing etc.) and Raj just dropped in to my house on Friday night, followed by Anil. Spent the better part of the night searching for all-night pharmacy to get some medicines for Arun and the remainder cooking some late-night (or early morning actually) food.

Woke up Saturday afternoon, did my laundry and went out for dinner and picked up Black Friday and Hyderabadi Nawabs dvds on the way. Both movies were great.

Slept at around 3 in the morning and the next morning Raj had some acad and election work so he had to rush after lunch; which we had a close by place called Shamdan, which was very good. All of us agreed on going for this Zakir Hussain and Pandit Shivkumar Sharma concert next weekend. Hopefulyl it would be good.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Summer on set

Have been traveling a lot the past week, D.C.. Boston and around and it finally feels nice to be settled at the desk again and its depressing to see the laundry pile up. Planning to stick to good'ol Jersey City till June comes. And it 85 degrees outside finally!!!!! Summer, thy are so welcome. But feel sorta cheated when it goes back to lower 40s in the nights. Went to a Hariharan concert couple of weeks back and came out mid-way cause he kept on singing ghazals and sufi stuff.

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