Thursday, May 25, 2006


Well i am finally back from my europe trip.. was a blast.. and right on the day i came back, i brought back scotch.. been drinking all night and went to the graduation ceremony without sleeping.

it was a good thing i had a buzz goin on cause most of the ceremony was poretty boring.

my last 10 days at lehigh.. moving to boston after that to my sister's. and i got a movado as a graduation gift!!!! is that something or is that something!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Cars and bytes

have been doing nothing and everything the last week.... actually been going around making professional and pleasure visits.. had driven the most wierd ass car for a person like me.. a PT Cruiser...
hehee.. was practically laughing my ass of dressed in formals and driving that car.. was like being charlie chaplin for a while..

other than that.. going on a vacation next wednesday... something to look forward to..

food for thought: a friend of mine was speculating the other day that in future money will give away its place to....memory! something like a gallon of milk would cost half a gig.. or a new mustang would cost 24 tera bytes.. !! interesting predictions eh...

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