Friday, February 17, 2006

Release me.....

I see the world, feel the chill
Which way to go, windowsill
I see the world’s on a rocking horse of time
I see the verse in the rain

Oh, dear dad, can you see me now
I am myself, like you somehow
I’ll ride the wave where it takes me
I’ll hold the pain...
Release me...

Oh, dear dad, can you see me now
I am myself, like you somehow
I’ll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me
I’ll open up...
Release me...
Release me...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hakuna Matata!!

Went to this musical performance by a group called Ladysmith Black Mambazo. They have won a Grammy and have been nominated again. These were the guys that did the background score for Lion King. And guess what!! It was a load of crap. These guys sucked so bad I feel asleep during the performance and walked away half way through! Waste a 10 bucks!!!!! For a moment there I almost felt I was in Africa...Should kill those buggers that pick the Grammy winners!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Go Steelers

And the Steelers win!! and that too by a good 11 point margin! Finally the evening spent watching Super Bowl has paid off. Unlike last year when Eagles lost. No more sporst watching this sem till the Soccer world cup.

Bogged down with work as usual...paper deadlines are killing me! Reading Ludlum's Ambler something.... totally sucks but continuing with it just cause i started it. Next in line is Dinner with a Perfect Stranger. Looking forward to completing it.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Super Bowl weekend!

The pas 2 weeks have been really busy, busy doing everything and nothing. Anyways attended a speech by Maria Klawe today. It was on why there are fewer women in computer science and engineering related fields nowadays. The speech was kinda enjoyable, she did crack couple of good jokes. Without a doubt, Larry Summers was referred to in the speech!

Waiting for the Super Bowl this Sunday. Go Steelers! Too bad the Patriots could not make it this time. The Rolling Stones are gonna perform during the half time. Sure is something to look forward to.

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