Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Commencing last sem

Just completed the book "Thank you for Smoking". It sure was one hell of a read. Suggest it anyday to anyone of you.... I've had people staring at me for laughing crazy in public places while reading the book. A good quote from the book "Necessity is the motherfu***er of all invention". (Now why did I * out the letters cke? I have always been using R-rated expressions here)

Other than that.. been to Boston for the weekend to my sister's. Came back by the bus and the bus was late by 3 hrs....was a crappy ride! I've ust decided to denounce Greyhound and bus travels in the US.

My final semester of grad study just commenced yesterday and it's good feeling to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Was just thinking of names the other day and came up with Ghanta Ghanshaam Rao. Nice name isn't it.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Just quit!

Hmm.. been six years since i have started smoking and amazingly, I've quit! Ya baby... 6 days and counting!! The feeling has a boring kick to it!

Crunch time has started.. am supposed to submit a paper next month and am not yet done with the first draft yet! Pretty soon my professor is gonna hunt me down one of these days..!

Saw Munich yesterday and (like Will Smith says it) jeane-claude van DAMme! it's good!....

hmm..working now.. plan to do so till wears me out..

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