I was just passing by the library and it just struck me that in English there are a few words which dont have singular form..like the word lens.. u'd say one of ur lens but there is no singular form of the word lens... any takers at suggesting me if there is one?
Recently found this piece of news; employees getting fired for what they put up on their blogs!
Work's goin on as usual. Waiting for the weekend. Those of you who havent seen this clip yet please do(you will need windows media player tho). Ash's appearance in the Letterman show. What struck me odd was that there was no mention of her being the former Miss World at all. But Ash did carry herself great and I am just loving it!!!
Well..finally.... the iPod Shuffle which I've ordered like 20 days back online was finally delivered to me yesterday. It was a sweet surprise and welcome to look at the darn thing just as I came home yesterday. Its so damn cute and i havent used that adjective in the past 24 years! Its the miniature version of the iPod with a 512 MB memory but that accounts to like 124 songs and I sure can live with it. But it did cost me a $100!!
And I also got my wireless optical mouse for my laptop. A touchpad is good but if u want to work longer on a laptop i guess u wud need a mouse.
An interesting fact one of my professors told us the other day in class. The Canadian Forest Department, it seems, needs to have a count of the total number of trees and the type of trees in all the forests of Canada. And this count needs to be updated on a regular basis. And how do they do this, well, they take pictures(birds-eye view) of the forests from an elevated point like from a helicopter or so and.... one poor guy looks at these pictures and counts the trees!!! I mean this is fucking crazy and ridiculous!! i can hardly imagine the plight of a guy sitting in a dark room with a table lamp and magnifying lens and counting the number of trees in a picture. All of us almost died out laughing in the class when the proff told us this and then he gave us a shit load homework....