Monday, September 27, 2004

Darwin’s Machines

A few more rumblings to keep my mind off what it is supposed to be on. Our good’ol dude Darwin came up with the concept of evolution of the living organisms and survival of the fittest. What occurs to me is that the same phenomenon applies to machines. They start off in a very simple manner and over time they ‘evolve’. And only the good and strong ones survive. Thing of anything we use nowadays – cars, computers etcetera. Transposing the same rule on to us humans, we will be optimistic to assume that we are evolving, meaning we are getting better – but what is ‘better humans’? As in where are we headed? That’s abut that. My mid-term tests are coming up and I start smoking a lot nowadays. Amazingly we have two mid-terms in a semester. Wonder what the word ‘mid’ means?And I have realized that I left C++ a long way back in my past and I am currently struggling go get a grip on it. I am officially now in the C - - state! The quality of one’s humor comes down drastically when his spirits are not exactly up right.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

The 'Weekend' phenomenon

Does anyone know who started the concept of weekend? I mean I have studied histories of various cultures and shit but never came across the concept of weekend in any of them. But at the end of it all..isn't it great! Can you imagine the 21st century without weekends?!! Weekend are bliss..those two days of legal freedom from all your worldly professional academic ties. Its like gaps in the continuous plot of life. Your regular life just stops there. Its like those pit-stops you have in F1 races..u keep running, racing and HALT - its weekend, Saturday Sunday and then - start racing again. And I know a lot of people(obviously including me) who have this notion of being able to complete any given amount of work over the weekend. "Have you done that work?" ends with replies like "Cool..I have a weekend before the deadline right..I'll complete it over the weekend". Its like if Hitler was assigned the job of conquering an extra continent in addition to his empire all he would need would be an extra weekend in his life. God save and protect Weekends!!! Amen to that. Saw the movie Flavors yesterday..felt itchy all over throughout the run of the of those ABCD type movies..And there was a book fair yesterday in college and they started giving them away for free towards the fag-end of the fair.. got my self 2 books..still hoping that they will turn out to be useful sometime to me. Findings of the day: I have come to know of this lately. Take a deck of cards and pick one at random and before seeing it, guess its number(from 2 to A). Obviously no logic involved, this is a guessing game. I have tried this for like an hour yesterday and amazingly I have realised that you will guess the card right once in every 10 tries. Guaanteed! Try it out.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Musings of the dusted mind....

Haven't been blogging for the last couple of days cause of obvious mundane reasons. I was going thru one of my course books yesterday and it talks of an algorithm which it says behaves like a person "trying to get on top of Mt. Everest while a thick fog is on and the person has amnesia"!. Find it quite amusing cause there was a theorem that followed it to prove that the algo works very effeciently on various problems. Thought I'd mention it to you people. Other than that, nothing else looks bright in the near future of mine. I was with a couple of my friends in the library today. They were preparing for their exam due in the evening and their prof had allowed them to get along a one-page material which they could refer during the test and these people actually filled out the concise version of about 100 pages of a text book on one page with a pencil; minimising their fonts which you'd actually need a magnifying lens to read thru. Something like using MS Word with font 0.5! Guess this is what they call means to an end.. Ya, so we were discussing really unnecesary topics and we ended up at a point - Could we insure our exams? Real waste of grey matter but its something you could thin about I guess. We could insure our exams - like $1000 for passing the test. If you do well, OK lets study for the next test, but if you flunk the test - bingo!you have a grand in your account. Waiting for winter to set in so that I can start using my winter-wear. I am tired of these half-sleeved t-shirts.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

One Liner..

This is one good one-liner I happened to come across. "If you are not a rebel by 20, you don't have a heart. But if you haven't thought of becoming a rebel by 30, you don't have a brain!" Ok,Ok it's not exactly a "ONE-liner",but nevertheless... Anyways, check out this online-radio. Its good.

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