What if God was one of us?
Nope...nothing to do with Joan Osbourne's number. Anyways, its spring break in campus and the Packer church, which generally has its lights on all the time, had its lights turned off for the spring break. So a couple of friends and I were kidding around that God was on vacation too. And then it occured to me, where wud God go or do for a vacation? I mean good'ol world is kinda His work place right, so what or where wud be his get-away?
Kinda imagining He would have this great awesome and totally wonderful place built for Himself. Cant even fathom what the place wud be like?
And ya.. before you leave, do check out David Gilmour's new number here.
Wishful thinking man :). But there are a couple of movies made on this concept. One of the famous one's is 'God is Brzilian'. It wasnt that great a movie, but the concept was nice :)
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